On Tuesday October 31 the Earth Ceremony will be. Below is a base description of how you can hold a ceremony.
Choose a place that you can physically visit, ideally outside. It can be any place that calls your
attention and that you have some curiosity about. It might be a place that shows signs of collapse
and damage. As those of us who are part of Deep Adaptation know, we are likely to encounter an
increasing number of wounded places as climate change gathers force, and it’s important to honor
them for all they have given and can't give anymore.
Go to the place and sit for a while together with your group. Share stories about what the place
means to you. If it is new to you, what do you notice about it?
Spend some time individually connecting with and exploring this place.
Come back together, sit with your group, and share what you discovered with others.
Make a simple gift of beauty for the place together with your group. Many people choose to make a
bird or a mandala out of the stones, twigs, and other materials they find in the place.
Take a photo or video if you want to share it with others during the online session on November 1st.
Send it to
islander.kpo@gmail.com so that we will include it in a sharing.
For inspiration, you can see examples of how others have done their ceremonies:
https://radicaljoy.org/discover-stories/If you are curious to explore more about similar Earth Practices, specifically for Wounded Places, visit
https://radicaljoy.org/practice/You can find a video about the Earth Ceremony below: