On the edge
Our partners are educational and environmental initiatives and organizations, such as the Regional Network for Sustainable Development of the Village (the Arkhangelsk Region), the Ecostream of Metaversity (St. Petersburg, Moscow, the Arkhangelsk Region), the Suderbyn Ecovillage (Sweden), the Russian center of Holcer Permaculture Naturbook (Moscow, the Vladimir Region), Future Foundation.
We invite to cooperation various research groups, creative teams, environmental initiatives and public organizations that are ready to act staying in a reflexive, critical attitude towards themselves and the surrounding society.
Personal participation
Today the project needs a person who is ready to devote time and inspiration to editing and promoting texts, as well as translation (English, Russian). Experience is important but even more important is the desire to grow and benefit.

Email us to learn more about the terms of cooperation and possible rewards.

We invite to cooperation:
- representatives of universities and alternative educational projects;
- members of communities, settlements, community initiatives and organizations;
- environmentalists and ecologists;
- philosophers and visionaries;
- social entrepreneurs;
- representatives of traditional knowledge and culture;
- shamans and healers;
- psychologists and psychotherapists;
- cultural and art workers;
- practitioners of permaculture and farmers practicing regenerative farming

and other people who feel and understand that we (all of us together and individually) cannot go on acting without a fundamental transformation of worldview and relations with ourselves, each other, with nature and technologies.
Cooperation form
We would like to ask you to fill in this form in order to tell us about your interest in common search, reflection and action. Your answers will help us to stay in touch, to learn about you and your interests and to find common ground for future communication and interaction.

Link to the form

You are welcome to write us:
Indigenous cultures
Transformational processes