Theme: Uniting Community Seed Banks, Community Sponsored Agriculture and Community Sufficiency with Regenerative Agriculture, Adaptation to Climate Change and Ecological Economics through Ecological Ethics forming a Bio-centric Paradigm Shift.
Background: At a remote village in the Arkhangelsk region of Russia eco-activists gathered from all over Europe in March 2020 for
Seeds of Action: Post-Apocalyptic hope and hopelessness. One of the presentations was
Seeds of Hope where a vision for a bio-centric ecovillage was shared.
After the presentation a working group was formed for prototyping based on the bio-dome vision. We agreed to move that working group to a virtual working group which you are hereby invited to partake in. The aim of the online working group is:
- To make a visual blueprint which can be shared in relevant groups so that the vision can be reproduced and evolve into many forms of actualization.
- To ensure that the blueprint is a structurally sound design which as much as possible relies on local materials and uses as little energy as possible.
- To spread the vision to relevant groups (like the Deep Adaptation network and Eco-village Networks).
- Result in one or two concrete locations where the concept can be tested by 2023.
The initial vision was based on the following principles:
- Break down the dualist culture/nature divide
- Biomimicry
- Anti-rivalry
- Entropy offesting
- Reproductive and productive