We are here: companions in the wilds

Art Laboratory

We are here: companions in the wilds

Art Laboratory
5-9 March 2019, Arkhangelsk region, Russia. We invite artists, animators, game designers, musicians, scientists, philosophers, environmentalists, activists, and representatives of traditional cultures to a beautiful dying out and reviving northern village. For 5 days we will be living and working together, to hear the voices which are not heard and manifest them through art.
5-9 March 2019, Arkhangelsk region, Russia. We invite artists, animators, game designers, musicians, scientists, philosophers, environmentalists, activists, and representatives of traditional cultures to a beautiful dying out and reviving northern village. For 5 days we will be living and working together, to hear the voices which are not heard and manifest them through art.

The art laboratory incorporates 3 art spaces: animation, game design and music, and 11 themes aka "Islands". Yet we are careful with borders as often the most important things happen in between...

Some results at the end of the lab will seem more or less complete, and for some it will be the beginning of continuous work or improvement. This journey has already begun, but we do not know when it will end.
Art as transformation

Art as an opportunity to go beyond the commonness of life to a deep genuine connection with oneself, others and the world. Art as a way to get in touch and manifest the invisible fabric of life: something real, sincere, authentic in ourselves and in the world. Art as a process of perceiving and experiencing oneself and what is happening around in a holistic way. Art as being on the edge - in the space between oneself, others, the world and something bigger... Art as a way of remembering oneself and re-connecting with the Main, a way of transformation and (w-)healing.

Power. Violence. Nonviolence.

What is the nature of violence? What is the difference and interrelation of power, force and violence? What is the meaning and role of each in the human life and world? Can we be in contact with power, use force and not cause violence? What is nonviolence? Is nonviolence a response to the use of force or a special way of contacting and treating power? Ancient martial arts as a possible prototype of the harmonious balance of power, force and non-violence


The human history is all infiltrated with the pain of wars. The war indistinctly goes on nowadays too in its different qualities. Its existence means that the war is approved by everyone of us. What shall I do to get out of this vicious circle? How do I find words to be heard? How can I remain in the middle of a war without me fighting? How do I transmit the confidence that there is another way – the way of nowar. The path of warriors without weapons.

Reconnection with Earth

Transformation of personality and culture through interaction with nature directly, including through the practices of traditional culture. To feel being a part of nature, to hear voices of living beings and nature objects in oneself. To live the pain of destruction of nature, and to find healing practices.


Profound change. Rethinking and reflection. Immersion and expansion. Connectedness-I change myself, I change the world around. The path from I to We (community, humanity, world)

The wisdom keepers

Awareness of local residents of rural areas. Ecological interaction with each other and with the earth. Preservation of traditions, tangible and intangible cultural values.

The freedom of being yourself

Who am I? What do I want? Why am I here? What should I do with my life? What should I do right now? To simply be oneself is not easy. To know the inner truth is a challenge. To act from within the inner freedom is not safe, it often goes against external normatives and our own conditioning. To move in the complex world the way which feels right at the moment is not always possible. It is the art being polished for years – the art to trust to what is sprouting inside and to express it in thoughts, relationships and actions. The look inwards and the action outwards. Everyone defines themselves how much they are themselves in their life. Or is there someone else who decides for us? To remain curious, courageous, to grow in each touch with the reality. To see shadows and rocks inside.Is this path for everyone? Everyone has a right to know that s/he exists.

Human co-responsibility

The meaning and role of mine and others in the world and society. Prototyping the society of equal and equivalent beings. A horizontal world. The discovery of my abilities to influence the world. Active citizenship.

Social Diversification

Our world is so big! There are billiards of people living here. And every person is a world on their own. The world of worlds, of complex, diverse and different from each other worlds. The worlds which are strong and fragile the same time. What should we do in order for the billiards of worlds to live without destroying each other and the world around? The island of Social Diversification is dedicated to create new ways of interactions between people and in communities, the ways which allow to mindfully increase the diversity of the global human society.


Rational humanitarian knowledge and irrational transformation processes working with cultural foundations (individual and collective). How do our relationships with nature relate to our relationships with one another? Who are we as natural beings? What don't we see in ourselves and in our culture, what do we need to see in order to change? What relation should we, civilized people, have towards other (uncivilized) cultures?

Living Technologies

The technologies which are not dehumanizing and not simplifying. A search for a work methodology to deal with complex emergent systems. A search for technological agenda which solves not enhances the global challenges. The connection of innovative technologies and traditional practices. Technoshamanism. Creation of infrastructure for the future scenario which is radically different from a "continued present".
We will be living in simple houses of the village, and this simplicity , is our conscious decision. Only getting out of the usual environment, we can see ourselves and the situation in the world with clear eyes. Far away from the hustle and noise we can find the silence We intend to create a creative community living in simple conditions where we canto listen and see truly ourselves, the others and the situation we are in.

We will be living in simple houses of the village, and this simplicity , is our conscious decision. Only getting out of the usual environment, we can see ourselves and the situation in the world with clear eyes. Far away from the hustle and noise we can find the silence We intend to create a creative community living in simple conditions where we canto listen and see truly ourselves, the others and the situation we are in.
On the way from the present to the future we adhere to the principle " be the changes you want to see". Therefore the Lab is a prototype of the future both through its thematic focuses and through its values of communication and interaction.

On the way from the present to the future we adhere to the principle " be the changes you want to see". Therefore the Lab is a prototype of the future both through its thematic focuses and through its values of communication and interaction.
We aim for the boundaries to melt down between participants and volunteers helping in the kitchen and supporting infrastructure and space. We are all participants and we are all volunteers. We will make together on a consent baseand use the principles of nonviolent communication.

We aim for the boundaries to melt down between participants and volunteers helping in the kitchen and supporting infrastructure and space. We are all participants and we are all volunteers. We will make together on a consent baseand use the principles of nonviolent communication.
As it was
This event continues the series of "immersion" events: in March 2017, there was the Immersion "Education for a resilient future", in March 2018 we dived into "Ecophilosophy. On the edge". Below are photos from these and other events from the same place.
Organizational information

Participation, meals and accommodation are free of charge. The travel is paid by the participants themselves (the train cost is 1400-2000 rubles). yet if you require reimbursement of the travel expenses, please email us explaining your situation. We try to find the support for people in difficult situations, but we cannot promise in advance.


The travel to the venue takes about 20 hours by train from Moscow, St. Petersburg or Arkhangelsk (trains arrive in the morning and depart in the evening). Only a full participation (from the beginning to the end) in the event is possible.
Uliana Belkina
Leading animation classes for children and teenagers. Member of Studio Da
Maria Dubrovina
Screenwriter and director of a wide number of animation projects. Director and teacehr of Studio Da, co-founder of creative expedition for children and teenagers "Green Camp".
Irina Sokolova
Psychologist and director of animation studio Da. Developer of Animation therapy method to help children in difficul life circumstances. Co-author of the projects 'The future today', 'Humra', 'Green Camp'. Gestalt-coach for adults groups.
Julia Komarova
Coordinator of musical art-space. Mom and wife, musician and creator of natural cosmetics.
Daria Morozova
Teacher and folklorist. Educator in family center. Guide and organizer of educational projects on Solovetsky Islands.
Igor Polskiy
Philosophy PhD, Head of the Department of Socio-Humanitarian Sciences in Horoshkola, Ecological Settlements researcher. Board member of Future Foundation
Denis Harley
Organizer of "Potok" eco-camping and "Pustyye Kholmy" festival, board member of Future Foundation.
Dmitriy Zaharov
Game maker. Leader of live-action game workshop "Crow on the bridge". Methodologist and navigator in Metaversity. Co-founder and moderator of "ESchER school" - "solving of Paradoxical Puzzles".
Mariya Kulyasova
Navigator in Metaversity Ecostream, ecologist, role-play and game maker. Deep emotional processes leader.
Martin Ahlström
Eco-entrepreneur, generalist and event-organizer, working holistically in Suderbyn Ecovillage in local and international sustainability-projects with social- technical innovations and system-design. Here as co-organizer, content developer, technical support and artist.
Oxana Ahlström (Lyubchenko)
Resident of international community Suderbyn and NGO Relearn (Sweden). Organizer and participant of international projects. Teacher and instructor of alternative educational processes. Eco-activist. Organization of inclusive process.
Antonina Kulyasova
Ph.D. in economics, an environmental sociologist, a resident of a rural area, the organizer of the "Forest School" project, a participant in many projects for the preservation and study of forests, a master of traditional culture in the Ecostream Metaversity, holder of the island Reconnection with Earth
Peter Levich
Founder of Future Foundation
Alisa Dendro
Initiator of cross-border projects. The council member of Suderbyn Permaculture Ecovillage and NGO Relearn (Sweden); the chairman of Baltic Ecovillage Network; an activist of European meta-network of community-led initiatives on climate change ECOLISE.
Griroriy Chernenkov
Programmer, geographer, artist. Concept-methodologist and navigator of the Faculty of Ecology of the Metaversity educational system
Alexandra Orlova
Сurator of art and education projects. Cofounder of art laboratory We will be here and Educational Laboratory Dodecahedron. Anthropology For Kids project expert.
Tatevik Guk
Co-faunder of "On the edge" project
Alexandra Kulyasova
The fellow at the education Department UNTI 20.35 leading the direction of the Resource status of the Eco-flow Metavarsity, the organizer of the project "Forest school". Communication with participants on issues of life, comfort and warmth
Irina Sardarova
Ecologist, teacher, coordinator of international projects, specialist in organic agriculture