Dr.Maria S. Tysiachniouk
This paper analyses benefit sharing arrangements between oil companies, native corporations, the North Slope Borough, and Indigenous Peoples in Alaska. It aims to disentangle the complexities of benefit sharing to understand existing procedural and distributive equity. We identified benefit sharing regimes involving modes, principles, and mechanisms of benefit sharing. Modes reflect institutionalized interactions, such as Paternalism, Company Centered Social Responsibility (CCSR), Partnership, and Shareholders; Principles can be based on compensation, investment and charity. Mechanisms can involve negotiated benefits and benefits structured or mandated by legislation, contracts, or regulation. Furthermore, mechanisms can involve semi-formal and trickle-down benefits. Trickle down benefits come automatically to the community along with development.
The distribution of money by the North Slope Borough represents paternalistic mode, yet involves investment-mandated principles with top down decision making. They are relatively high in distributional equity and low in participatory equity. Native corporations predominantly practice the shareholders mode, investment principle, and mandated mechanisms. The oil companies’ benefit sharing represents a mixed type combining CCSR and partnership modes, several principles (investment, compensatory, charity) and multiple types of mechanisms, such as mandated, negotiated, semi-formal and trickle down. These arrangements vary in terms of distributive equity, and participatory equity is limited.
The article is available online in Sustainability journal Volume 12 Issue 13
Visual abstract and figures below. Designed by Sofia Beloshitskaya. Curated by Alexandra Orlova.